Data security in health care

Protect the confidential information of patients and staff!

Data security in health care is a necessity as the dependence on technology within the sector is ever-increasing. Electronic systems continue to reduce the time required to complete complex paperwork, creating more available time for health care workers so they are able to direct a greater focus on treating people and spending the time required with patients. 

Making medical documents electronic has opened the door to easy sharing of medical files between physicians, other health care professionals and insurance companies. Gathering and storing documents in electronic databases has put the sector at greater risk of being hacked, resulting in the realisation of an increasing need for high-quality data security.

Why is data security so important?

With the growing reliance and use of technology, the health care sector is required to spend more on data and network security intelligence in a bid to reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats and malicious attacks from hackers. It is up to health care providers to take responsibility for protecting patient records. By acquiring highly qualified IT specialists and using secure database systems the risk of patient records being leaked to the black market is reduced, protecting patients from identity theft, Medicare fraud or financial losses.

Understand the risks

Once inside a system, hackers have access to millions of people’s records and personal information, as well as the ability to control essential services required. Most commonly, hackers will put a ransom on the information taken, using it as leverage to bribe health care providers. 

Neglecting to make data security in health care a high priority can lead to damage being incurred by both patients and the health care organisation, often resulting in financial implications. The underinvestment in cybersecurity has already caused a loss of £4.6 billion pounds each year, affecting roughly 27 million patients. 

Preventing a data breach is not as simple as closely monitoring systems, as a hack can happen within a number of minutes or seconds and can go undetected for weeks, if not months. So, it is of the utmost importance that health care providers take data security seriously and implement systems that comply with GDPR standards, protecting current and old patient records.

Don’t put staff and past, present or future patients at risk. Protect data security in health care and take preventative measures to ensure the safety of all confidential information. For the safe and permanent data destructiondata erasure or removal of redundant IT equipment contact DSA Connect.